Enrolling for the 2025-2026 School Year! Call today to schedule a visit.
Visits and New Hours

Opening of William Penn Centre Preschool! We will start using Zoom to perform virtual visits on March 22. In order to learn more about our programs, tuition, and availability, please contact the school by phone at 7:30–4:00 or by email at lbcc1952@comcast.net. Call 215-295-8154.  

Summer Safety

Keeping Kids Safe No matter where the water is—in a bathtub, wading pool, decorative fish pond, swimming pool, spa, beach, or lake—children need to be watched over constantly. Young children are particularly at risk since they can drown in water that is less than two inches (6 centimetres) deep.Accordingly, drowning can occur in unexpected places. […]

Developmental Milestones

Teachers are occupied with completing children’s evaluations. The developmental milestone guidelines from CHOP may be found at the link below. You should speak with your child’s paediatrician if you have any concerns about their growth.   https://www.chop.edu/conditions-diseases/developmental-milestones